Occupying an entire floor of an exposed red-brick building in Melbourne, Armitage Jones is a hybridised space of work and hospitality. A variety of settings enable staff to work where they can be most effective, with places to collaborate and exchange ideas, concentrate and focus, or come together and socialise.
The project pares back old interventions, revealing a spectacular barrel-vaulted concrete ceiling. This feature is celebrated in the main work floor, offering clear sightlines across the building perimeter, with industrial steel windows drawing in abundant natural light. A soapy seafoam green saturates this zone; a calm and inspiring space for focussed work.
The entry is defined by energetic colours; rich burgundy, bright marigold and moody gunmetal grey. Two meeting pods are framed with gold curtains and joinery, presenting intimate spaces for client conversations – reminiscent of phone boxes in hotel foyers of the past. Beyond, meeting and boardroom spaces are saturated in deep gunmetal grey; secluded areas suspended in a tonal setting. A communal kitchen sits at the core of the layout; a place of congregation, socialisation and entertainment. Throughout, lush planting creates subtle delineations, enhancing mood while maintaining visual connection through and between spaces.
The design team seized the opportunity to differentiate Armitage Jones’ identity in the market by striking a balance between professionalism and playfulness. The efficient planning of the workplace gains greater economies of scale without compromising culture. De-emphasising traditional breakouts and blending work positions, every space is considered a place to exchange. An incubator for new ways of working, the design maximises productivity, collaboration and co-creation among Armitage Jones’ staff and clients, celebrating the energy and pulse of the company.
Photography by Nicole England.
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