Bergman and Co were honoured to be invited to enter an installation for the ‘Art of Dining’ presented by the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) in 2019. The design theme chosen by the NGV came from the work ‘The Banquet of Cleopatra’ painted by artist Giovanni Battista Tiepolo in 1744. The inspiration for Bergman and Co was Marie Antoinette. The idea of ‘opulence is as grotesque as it is beautiful, and decadence distasteful as it is liberating’. We chose to create a Marie Antoinette bouffant centrepiece. Her hair a harbinger for discussion on politics, industry, society, identity and gender. This sculptural form reads as a wig with powdered white face and rouged cheeks at initial glance; but upon further inspection reveals itself to be in the form of a vagina, a more disconcerting perspective. This hair unravelled itself flowing into every element of the dining experience and formalising we are living in an era of feminism whilst still maintaining a focal point of fun.
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